Digital Transformation – What is it?

“Digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to create new — or modify existing — business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements. This reimagining of business in the digital age is the transformation.”

Digital Business

Many businesses have been slowly making this change over the years, and others have had plans to. The Digital World has been with us for a while and gradually we’ve seen society embrace it, and businesses rely on it for marketing and customer connection. It’s been a game-changer, and many businesses who are still in the analogue world have realized that they too should eventually transition to digital, in time. The timeline hasn’t been too urgent for many businesses who have been around for years and already have their regular clientele and profit quite nicely, thank you. Then suddenly, as a world, we are facing a crisis with the Corona Virus that could not have been foreseen nor something we could have ever been prepared for. Just as suddenly, the need to transform our businesses from analogue to digital is no longer a casual ‘when we get to it’ situation – it is now a mandatory and emergency shift for many businesses to survive the current economic environment with #socialdistancing in place for an undetermined amount of time.

Making the Change

Change is intimidating at the best of times, and the silver lining right now is that crisis often brings about immediate change on things we probably should have changed a long while ago but procrastinated on because we’re not so eager to enter into the ‘unknown’. Now, we have no choice. For businesses to survive these times, we have to be creative, innovative and nimble. This is not the time to stop selling your services, this is a time to feed the economy to keep it healthy. However, HOW we sell our services and how we connect to our customers is going to change and it needs to change now.

Transformation can seem daunting, especially when it is no longer on your timeline, but on a more urgent, crisis timeline. But, with action and movement, we can start to re-write the ‘normal’ as a community and design our new business world to support our customers and our workers the way they need us to right now.

Get Help!

Seek out Digital Professionals who are also Business Growth Strategists. They can assist you in your transformation. Seek out agencies or organizations that specialize in digital marketing and digital business. Now is not the time to go ‘rougue’ and insist on doing it yourself to save money. Smart businesses and CEO’s know that in times of crisis is when you need to really sink in, strategize and align the resources to where they matter most. Focus on your customers and focus on supporting your team to adjust to a new working environment. 90% of your customers are online and have been for years. Now, suddenly your entire team and resources are also online due to circumstances beyond our control. The time is ripe, activate your Digital Transformation now.

I am here to help, reach out if you have questions about Digital Transformation for your business. I have 10+ years working on the digital platform and I am the CEO of an entirely digital business that offers strategic business growth and digital marketing plans. I have the experience and the skillful team backing me to support you in making this transition. We’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs and businesses make the shift and start making an impact online.

Stay healthy, stay inspired, be patient with yourself and your team and remember that the best opportunities arise out of a crisis – it all depends on how you view it and how you respond to it. With the right mindset, you can create magic and move your business to a place you never knew was possible before.

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Kaare Long
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