Our Sales Service

a Cue Creative Marketing

Sales is centre stage and marketing is the “lights, camera, action!”

We consistently manage the sales organization, converting your leads from interested prospects to paying customers.

Having a great lead-generating engine is only half the equation. What happens when the leads come in? Who looks after them and how do they maximize the rate at which they become customers?

Companies looking to scale require focus in closing as many leads as possible. Running the sales organization requires dedication to purpose and an experienced hand in developing and managing a consistent process, to which the sales team can be held accountable.

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Questions? Our sales specialists would be happy to chat.

Sales Process

Process is repeatable, salespeople are not. Each area of the customer journey is mapped in a repeatable process that is systematic in how it develops and nurtures leads through to actual customers. A repeatable sales process is complex—that’s why most small businesses do not have one.

Sales Management

No Sales Manager? With only one or even just a few salespeople, some companies simply work without one. This can work, but not when extra performance is required or something needs to change. Good sales management adds more sales from process development, innovation and accountability management.

Sales Enablement

Technology offers the promise of lower cost of sales and enhanced customer experience. Customize technology to enable your sales process, not define it.

Sales Coaching

In most top sales organizations, coaching has been identified as up to 30% of a Sales Manager’s time – with beneficial results. In fact, organizations without some sort of sales coaching on a regular basis suffer greatly in turnover and not achieving planned results. By creating a sales pipeline model and managing it so salespeople are held accountable, future sales can become predictable with greater accuracy.


Hiring for your sales organization can be a hit-and-miss exercise, usually with disappointing results. We believe in talent-based hiring, as experience or skill relies too much on the resume. We can design assessment tools centred around your company and traits that will work best for their success, and yours.

a Cue Creative Marketing Sales Exchange

Orchestrate your sales activities on cue. Reach out for a complimentary discovery call to learn how.

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Orchestrate your sales activities on cue. Reach out for a complimentary discovery call to learn how.

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